ArcSWAT add-in for ArcGIS Pro BETA version - December 2024. 

Download ArcSWAT for ArcGIS Pro

Looking for ArcSWAT for ArcMap? Scroll to the bottom of this page to download.

Follow the instructions below or watch our quick installation video.

  1. Download the zip file linked above
  2. Download and install SWAT Editor
  3. Extract the Databases and TauDEM539Bin folders from the zip file in step 1 into C:\SWAT\SWATEditor
  4. Extract ArcSWAT3.esriAddinX from the zip and double-click to install

Tools & Data

Archive: ArcSWAT for ArcGIS-ArcView Extension

ArcSWAT is an ArcGIS-ArcView extension and interface for SWAT. Download ArcSWAT 2012.10.26 (18 August 2023) for ArcGIS 10.8, or earlier versions for ArcGIS 10.0-10.7. Remember to uninstall any previous versions of ArcSWAT before installing a new version. This is the final version for ArcMap.

For ArcGIS 10.3:
Note: 10.19 is the final ArcSWAT version for ArcGIS 10.3.

For ArcGIS 10.2:
Note: 10.19 is the final ArcSWAT version for ArcGIS 10.2.

For ArcGIS 10.1 SP1:
Note: 10.18 is the final ArcSWAT version for ArcGIS 10.1.

For ArcGIS 10.0 SP5:
Note: 10.15 is the final ArcSWAT version for ArcGIS 10.0.

Looking for older software not listed on this page? Check out the archive for ArcSWAT developed for earlier versions of SWAT.