
Brazil is Back!

22 June 2023

For over a decade Brazilian university faculty and government agency specialists have been enthusiastic SWAT users and influencers, supporting graduate students that have developed numerous SWAT models. Among the most active SWAT leaders have been Dr. Josicleda Galvicio (Federal University of Pernambuco), Dr. Suzana Gico Montenegro (Federal University of Pernambuco), Dr. Rodrigo de Queiroga Miranda (Federal University of Pernambuco), Dr. Danielle Bressiani (Federal University of Pelotas), and Dr. E. Mario Mendiondo (University of Sao Paulo). These leaders of the Brazilian SWAT community and their students have authored numerous peer-reviewed publications involving the use of SWAT, were key to organizing and hosting the 2014 International SWAT Conference in Porto de Galinhas (Ipojuca), Pernambuco, and have offered regular SWAT short courses and workshops throughout Brazil. For the 2014 conference Dr. Danielle presented a review of SWAT applications in Brazil, and a quick search of the SWAT publications website for “Brazil” found a total of 168 SWAT-related articles in the last 10 years. In addition, over the last several years Drs. Josicleda, Rodrigo and Suzana and their students have worked with Dr. Srini to develop “SUPER” (Hydrologic System Response Unit of Pernambuco), a version of the Hydrologic and Water Quality System (HAWQS) for the State of Pernambuco, currently being used by APAC (Pernambuco State Water and Climate Agency).  

Of course, over the last few years COVID has made face-to-face collaboration more difficult, but these SWAT leaders and their students are regaining momentum. During the COVID years Dr. Danielle has made available a SWAT+ course online. And in late May, under a co-funded program between the Pernambuco's (FACEPE) and Sao Paulo’s (FAPESP) agencies for research, they conducted a three-day SWAT+ short course, delivered in-person and via teleconference, at the University of Sao Paulo (USP) in Sao Carlos. This course was the kick-off of a long-term collaborative effort among the Brazilian Water Resources Association Technical Commission on Education ("ABRHidro-CT-Educacao”), the National Institute of Science & Technology National Observatory for Water Security and Adaptive Management (“INCT-ONSEAdapta”), funded by CNPq (Brazilian Research Council),  and the UNESCO Chair on Urban Waters of USP.

This has led to discussions with Dr. Srini about developing a version of HAWQS, tentatively called “BEST” (Brazilian Ecohydrological Simulation Tool), that would cover all of Brazil. BEST will be a collaborative platform. Tentative plans include Dr. Srini providing a 10km x 10km SWAT model (initially uncalibrated) for the entire country. Brazilian researchers would be encouraged both to help calibrate the country-wide model and to contribute their more detailed, calibrated and validated SWAT models for other watersheds, starting with models of important Brazilian watersheds developed by the group. The Brazilian SWAT community would reach out to other universities and government agencies like EMBRAPA and ANA to contribute to this national effort.  Dr. Srini’s staff would initially maintain the system, incorporating contributed SWAT models for Brazilian watersheds and providing access to the system via the SWAT website.  The hope is that the first version of BEST could be made available for testing in 2024. First presentations of BEST will be done by Dr. Danielle at the International SWAT Conference in Aarhus, Denmark and at the Brazilian Water Resources Conference later this year.

AGU Fall Meeting 11-15 Dec, 2023

21 June 2023

Session ID: 183454 
Session Title: H002. Advancement in Watershed Modeling: Surface/Subsurface Processes, Management and Regulatory Science Implementations 
Section: Hydrology 

Since 2016, this modeling session has been initiated to provide broad discussions among international scientists from different disciplines. Specifically, contributions from the SWAT community are fruitful with great success. We hope mutual efforts in this session can advocate advanced insights for future investigation on both modeling development and the associated management strategies along with interactions from the government authorities. See you in San Francisco~!

Submit an abstract

AGU Fall Meeting - Chicago, IL & Online - 12-16 Dec. 2022

1 July 2022

H004 - Advancements in Watershed Modeling: Hydrologic/WQ Processes and Management Implementations on Regulatory Science

Since 2016, this modeling session has been initiated to provide broad discussions among international scientists from different disciplines. Specifically, contributions from the SWAT community are fruitful with great success. We hope mutual efforts in this session can advocate advanced insights for future investigation on both modeling development and the associated management strategies along with interactions from the government authorities. See you in Chicago!

2021 AGU Fall Meeting

24 June 2021

The 2021 AGU Fall Meeting in New Orleans, LA will take place 13-17 December. We would like to bring the following session to your attention: 

H019 - Advances in Watershed Modeling: Hydrologic & Water Quality Processes and Conservation Management for Food-Water-Energy Nexus  

Since 2016, this modeling session has been initiated to provide broad discussions among international scientists from different disciplines. Specifically, contributions from the SWAT community are fruitful with great success. We hope mutual efforts in this session can advocate advanced insights for future investigation on both modeling development and the associated management strategies.

2020 AGU Fall Meeting

1 July 2020

The 2020 AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, CA will take place 7-11 December. We would like to bring the following session to your attention: 

H016 - Advances in Watershed Modeling: Hydrologic & Nutrient Processes, Conservation Management, Food Production, Energy Consumption and Model Coupling
Haw Yen (Texas A&M University), Jeffrey G Arnold (USDA-ARS), Wei Ouyang (Beijing Normal University), and Yongping Yuan (USEPA)

This is the 5th year (since 2016) that we have a watershed modeling session in the AGU Fall Meetings. The proposed session has been a very successful platform for discussions in challenging environmental modeling subjects. The meetings will be conducted mostly virtually (due to COVID-19) and the corresponding registration fee is 50% off than regular rate. The deadline of abstract submission this year is July 29 and we hope to make it more visible in the SWAT community.

2019 AGU Fall Meeting

18 June 2019

The 2019 AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, CA will take place 9-13 December. We would like to bring the following session to your attention: 

The deadline to submit an abstract is July 31.

SWAT Workshop in Kenitra, Morocco

17 December 2018

José-Miguel Snchez-Pérez (CNRS, France) and Sabine Sauvage (CNRS, France) helped conduct a beginner SWAT workshop at the Université Ibn Tofail, Faculté des Sciences in Kenitra, Morocco, the 11-14th of December 2018.


10 December 2018

Join us for a special SWAT session at the Vietnam International Water Week (VACI2019) in Hanoi the 22nd - 25th of March. Read the flyer for more information.

Submit an abstract by 1 January 2019. Download the abstract template.