gwflow module for SWAT+

The gwflow module for SWAT+ is a physically based spatially distributed method for simulating groundwater storage, groundwater head, groundwater flow, and groundwater inflows/outflows (groundwater-stream exchange, groundwater-tile exchange, groundwater-lake exchange, groundwater-soil exchange, groundwater pumping). When in use, this module replaces the original groundwater module of SWAT+.

The paper that describes the gwflow module:
A New Physically-Based Spatially-Distributed Groundwater Flow Module for SWAT+,

2024 Tutorial

Download the 2024 gwflow tutorial

SWAT+ gwflow is now included with QSWAT+. Please refer to the 2024 tutorial above for complete information and directions.

2023 Tutorial

Download the 2023 gwflow tutorial

The zip file contains:

  • Tutorial
  • Example datasets
  • Example SWAT+ model
  • Example gwflow inputs for the SWAT+ model

Python script that prepares gwflow inputs using SWAT+ shape files and global datasets