
The software listed on this page was developed for older versions of the SWAT model. It is no longer being maintained.


AVSWAT (ArcView SWAT) is a complete preprocessor, interface and post processor of SWAT. Without leaving the user friendly ArcView GIS environment the user is provided of a complete set of tools for the watershed delineation, definition and editing of the hydrological and agricultural management inputs, running and calibration of the model. The extension and the model constitute a comprehensive and user friendly tool for the watershed scale assessment and control of the agricultural and urban sources of water pollution.

Organization & Development

AVSWAT has been developed by Mauro Di Luzio and others at the Texas AgriLife Blackland Research and Extension Center in Temple, Texas, in collaboration with Grassland Soil and Water Research Lab, a USDA-ARS laboratory in Temple, Texas.

AVSWAT is organized in several linked tools grouped in the following eight components:

  1. Watershed Delineation
  2. Land Use and Soil Definition
  3. Editing of the model Data Bases
  4. Definition of the Weather Stations
  5. Input Parameterization and Editing
  6. Model Run
  7. Read and Map-Chart Results
  8. Calibration tool

AVSWAT has been developed as an extension of ArcView GIS entirely in Avenue and dependent by Spatial Analyst and Dialog Designer extensions. The Spatial Analyst functions are used within the Watershed Delineation and Landuse and Soil Definition components while the Dialog Designer controls have been used to build up all the user interface tools.

Released July 2006 for SWAT2005