SWAT training course, December 1-3, 2016, Dakar, Senegal

5 December 2016

From 1st to 3rd December 2016, a SWAT training course on “Initiation on SWAT model” has been delivered for 38 researchers, students and engineers at the UCAD-IRD Centre of Dakar-Hann (Dakar, Senegal) by José-Miguel Snchez-Pérez (CNRS, France) and Sabine Sauvage (CNRS, France) with the support of Didier Orange (IRD, France) and Amine Zettam (Université of Tlemcen, Algeria). This training course was coupled to the FRIEND-IAHS seminar (28th to 30th November at UCAD, Dakar), co-funding by PHI-UNESCO and IRD, with the key support from UCAD, EPS, OMVG.

During the SWAT training, 13 countries were represented, mainly from West Africa (Benin, Burkina, Ivory Coast, Niger and Senegal), Maghreb (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia), Central Africa (Congo-Brazzaville, RCA and Zimbabwe) and Europe (Germany, France). This international cooperation South-South-North has addressed 11 River Basins from the whole African Continent, and has opened a large numbers of research opportunities on River Basin Management, Hydrology and Eco-hydrology.

SWAT training course, December 1-3, 2016, Dakar, Senegal

PHOENIX Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Model

4 January 2016

Cesar Izaurralde, Bill McGill, and Jimmy Williams have incorporated the PHOENIX soil carbon and nitrogen model into APEX, giving users the option of choosing either the CENTURY or PHOENIX approaches to simulating soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics. For more information contact Dr. Williams (williams@brc.tamus.edu).