2009 - Boulder, Colorado, USA
In cooperation with USDA-ARS and TAMUS, the SWAT International Conference was held at the University of Colorado at Boulder on August 3-7, 2009.

Theme: Development and Application of SWAT Model
Conference Venue: University of Colorado, Boulder Colorado
Dates: August 3-4, 2009 SWAT workshops, August 5-7, 2009 SWAT conference
Book of abstracts
Conference brochure
- Conference Proceedings
- Lead paper in Transactions of the ASABE - Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model: Current developments and applications
Conference Topics
- Large Scale Applications
- Climate Change Applications
- Sensitivity Calibration and Uncertainty
- Biofuel
- Plant Growth
- Environmental Applications
- BMPs
- Hydrology
- Sediment, Nutrients, and Carbon
- Pesticides, Bacteria, Metals, and Pharmaceuticals
- Model Development
- Database and GIS Application and Development
- Programming Structure, Development Language, and System Management
- Urban Processes and Management
- Landscape Processes and Landscape / River Continuum
- InStream Sediment and Pollutant Transport
Organizing Committee
Mazdak Arabi | Colorado State University, USA |
Jeff Arnold | USDA-ARS, USA |
Cole Rossi | USDA - ARS, USA |
R. Srinivasan | Texas A&M University, USA |
Kenneth Strzepek | University of Colorado, USA |
Scientific Committee
Karim Abbaspour | EAWAG, Switzerland |
Jeff Arnold | USDA-ARS, USA |
Nicola Fohrer | Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, Germany |
Philip Gassman | Iowa State University, USA |
A.K. Gosain | Indian Institute of Technology, India |
Ann van Griensven | UNESCO-IHE, NL |
Fanghua HAO | Beijing Normal University, P.R.China |
C. Allan Jones | Texas A&M University, USA |
Nam-Won Kim | Korea Institute of Construction Technology, Korea |
Valentina Krysanova | PIK, Germany |
Pedro Chambel Leitão | IST-MARETEC, Portugal |
Antonio Lo Porto | IRSA, IT |
Jose Maria Bodoque Del Pozo | UCLM, Toledo, Spain |
Cole Rossi | USDA-ARS, USA |
R. Srinivasan | Texas A&M University, USA |
Martin Volk | Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Germany |
Sue White | Cranfield University , UK |
Xuesong Zhang | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA |