Pictures and Presentations from Day 3
of the 2nd International SWAT Conference
July 4th, 2003
Session F
Other Tools/Techniques - Autocalibration, Uncertainity, etc.
Convenor Ann Van Griensven
9.00 - 9.20
A. van Griensven and T. Meixner
Sensitivity, optimisation and uncertainty analysis for the model parameters of SWAT.
9.20 - 9.40
J.A. Huisman, L. Breuer, K. Eckhardt and H-G. Frede
Spatial consistency of automatically calibrated SWAT simulations in the Dill Catchment and three of its sub-catchments.
9.40 - 10.00 Lo Porto A., De Girolamo A.M., Garnier, M., Passarella G.
Evaluation of the optimal location of monitoring sites based on hydrologic models and GIS technology.
10.00 - 10.20
Francisco Olivera, Milver Valenzuela and Raghavan Srinivasan
Linkage of the ArcHydro data model with SWAT.
10.20 - 10.40
Agnieszka A. Romanowicz, Marnik Vanclooster, Mark Rounsvell and Isabelle la Leunesse
Sensitivity of the SWAT model to the soil and land use data parametrization: a case study of the Thyle catchment, Belgium.
10.40 - 11.00
Sole, A., Caniani D., Mancini I.M.
Swat and remote sensing used to demonstrate the impact of land use changes on hydrology and water quality of the Agri river (Southern Italy).
11.00 - 11.30 Coffee Break
Session G
Other Models and Tools
Convenor Raghavan Srinivasan
11.30 - 11.50 Guido M. Bazzani
DSIRR: a DSS for the economic and environmental analysis of irrigation.
11.50 - 12.10
Caroline F. Dilks, Sarah M. Dunn and Robert C. Ferrier
Benchmarking models for the Water Framework Directive: evaluation of SWAT for use in the Ythan catchment, UK.
12.10 - 12.30
Ahmed Nasr, Michael Bruen, Richard Moles, Paul Byrne and Bernadette O'Regan
The significance of the differences in soil phosphorus representation and transport procedures in the SWAT and HSPF models and a comparison of their performance in estimating phosphorus loss from an agriculture catchment in Ireland.
12.30 - 12.50 Sole, A., Caniani D., Mancini, I.M.
A comparison between SWAT and a distributed hydrologic and water quality model for the Camastra basin (Southern Italy).
12.50 - 13.10
Fred Hattermann and Valentina Krysanova
Propagation of uncertainty in large scale eco-hydrological modelling.
13.10 - 13.30
P.W. Gassman, Todd Cambell, Silvia Secchi, Manoj Jha and Jeff Arnold
The I_SWAT software package: a tool for supporting SWAT watershed applications.
Session H
Model Integration
Convenor Giuseppe Giuliano
15.00 - 15.20
Martin Volk, Gerd Schmidt
The model concept in the project FLUMAGIS: Scales, simulation and integration.
15.20 - 15.40
Arianna Azzellino, Marco Acutis, Luca Bonoma, Erika Calderara, Roberta Salvetti and Renato Vismara
Modelling diffuse pollution on watersheds using a GIS-linked basin scale Hydrologic/Water Quality Model.
15.40 - 16.00
L. Breuer, J.A. Huisman, N. Steiner, B. Weinmann and H.-G. Frede
Eco-hydrologic and economic trade-off functions in watershed management.
16.00 - 16.20 Wael Khairy
Estimating extreme flood events under expected climate change in the next century.
16.20 - 16.40 A. van Griensven, and W. Bauwens
Integration of in-stream water quality concepts within SWAT.
16.40 - 17.00 Coffee Break
Session I
SWAT2003 - Future Plans
Convenor Jeff Arnold
17.00 - 18.30 Open discussion on future plans with SWAT, ArcView interface and status of current projects